Share your progress and let's jam!

Hello Jammers! We're still working on getting the final approval on the chosen winners. Thank you for your patience and THANK YOU for creating such amazing games. You've made our jobs as the judges VERY difficult. <3


I decided to use the scenarios from the movie one of which is perfection itself, the graboids get more sensitive the more together you are wink wink.

Animating those graboid arms was a heck of fun! hope you enjoy it!

Did you know? The Horror Forest level of our game is based on the Felix the Cat 1988 movie. The trees and slime was referenced to the scene where Felix meets the old dwarf guy. This level was also inspired by Thriller Bark saga of One Piece, zombies + BG.


Command your army on the battlefield, from the seat of the general.

Planned out and working on improvements to our #togetherjam entry for future updates. Added panning to allow for wider battlefields.

Try it:


Finally, here's the gameplay video of "Apex En Action"- A Solo game jam project. It is a puzzle action game where you have to carefully plan your throws and recalls.

Sorry about the low-quality recording.

Love to get some feedback


Perfect Draw - Trailer

Check out this trailer we put together for our game, hopefully it helps show off and explain all the features!


It has been a project with many setbacks, and there have been things that were left in the pipeline.

Even so, it is a quite enjoyable game, in which you can see the potential that it would have if I had the opportunity to complete it.


"Wake Up, Felix!" follows the jam theme "Power in Numbers" by making each clock minute a potential weapon in your arsenal! Here is a video of weapons 1-4 (or I-IV).

And there are 8 other weapons to choose! Play the game here:


I made this game in only 7 days for together jam, using the following software (UE5 - Zbrush - 3ds max)

and this is a walk-through of level 1

Very interested in feedback

Felix and the great color quest is a platform-arcade game where you have to collect an even number of brushes to bring color back to the world and compete for your score with other player


by Game Jolt, LootLocker, G4 & Supported by NBCUniversal

Jam together with creators from around the world June 17- July 3rd by repurposing these memorable, retro backlot characters. We will be revealing the surprise Jam theme at the start of the jam!

We've also lined up a prize pool of $50,000! Woo-hoo!

Read and agree to the Together Jam Rules to participate!


🏆 1st Place - Overall Game

$25,000 for the best overall game

🏆 2nd Place - Overall Game

$15,000 for 2nd place overall game

🏆 3rd Place - Overall Game

$10,000 overall game

🏆 Best Mash-up

Game Jolt Profile Trophy

Together Jam Swag

🏆 Best Game Art

Game Jolt Profile Trophy

Together Jam Swag

🏆 Best Sound Effects / Music

Game Jolt Profile Trophy

Together Jam Swag

🏆 Best Animation

Game Jolt Profile Trophy

Together Jam Swag


Questions? Read the Rules, FAQ or email us at [email protected]

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